During your visit

The Museum implements all required measures for the protection of both visitors and its employees.


We welcome visitors of all abilities to the Museum.

The Museum’s sole entrance is the main gate at 12 Theorias Street.

All levels of the Museum are accessible via elevators, with the exception of the basement of the older wing of the Museum, which is accessible by stairs. The basement of the new wing is equipped with a special elevator.

Visitors with mobility problems or disabilities have priority in using the elevators.

Guide dogs are permitted in all areas of the Museum.

There are specially designed sanitary facilities (WC for the disabled).

Access to the district of Plaka is possible for vehicles displaying a disability sign. They can be parked freely, without time limit, at the visitor spaces (indicated by white markings on the road).

Museum regulations

  • Touching exhibits, including any vitrines or plinths, is prohibited.
  • Photography (without flash) is permitted throughout the Museum. Please take care not to get too close to the exhibits.
  • Smoking is prohibited throughout the Museum.
  • Consumption of food and drink (except for water) is prohibited throughout the Museum.
  • Guide dogs are permitted throughout the Museum.
  • No other animals or pets are permitted in the Museum.
  • We regret that bulky items, suitcases and prams are prohibited throughout the Museum. During your visit backpacks must be left at the ticket office, removing any valuables (wallet, mobile phone, cameras etc). CAMU and its staff are not responsible in case of loss.
  • Please turn your phones off or keep them on silent during your visit.
  • Dangerous and illegal objects, substances or materials are prohibited in the Museum. It is up to the security staff to evaluate the possible danger of other potential hazardous objects and not to allow them in the Museum.