Fragment of a marble grave stele

In the left part of the stele, which has the form of a naiskos (little shrine), a bearded man is depicted in a three-quarter position, facing right. He wears an himation draped over his shoulders and left arm, which is bent and rests against is body. The right side of his chest with part of the upper arm is left exposed. The man, his head bent in thought, extends his right hand to greet another, probably seated figure, of which only the right hand is preserved. This is the dead LYSIMACHE, as proclaimed by the inscription on the architrave. The statuette of a siren decorates the middle of the crown block, as an akroterion. It is frontal, with great wings spread out to the sides and downward. With right arm bent, she holds a bird at her breast; her left she raises to her face in the well-known gesture of sorrow and despair.

The type of man with short curly hair and curly beard is common during the second quarter of the 4th century BC, specifically around 370-360 BC.

Choremi-Spetsieri Α. 2006. Cat. no. 101, in Choremi-Spetsieri Α. – Zarkadas Α. (eds), The Paul and Alexandra Canellopoulos Museum. Ancient Art, Athens, 166-167.