Clay figurine of a standing female
The object belongs to a type of figurine, which was very popular in Boeotia in the 6th c. BC. It is handmade and consists of a flat and broad body with schematic arms and narrow neck, a birdlike face, a spiral curl over the forehead, and a cylindrical polos (head cover). The eyes, hairstyle, garments and ornaments are rendered in black paint. The locket of the necklace has the shape of a pomegranate.
Such figurines (known as Brettidolen) are commonly found in graves, and according to some scholars they are related with the cult of chthonic deities, such as Demeter and Kore. Other researchers believe that they represent the wooden effigies (xoana) used in ritual processions.
– Vlassocpoulou C. 2006. Catalogue no. 40, in Choremi-Spetsieri Α. – Zarkadas Α. (eds), The Paul and Alexandra Canellopoulos Museum. Ancient Art, Athens, 63.