Clay relief plaque of a rooster
Eyes and comb are rendered plastically. Details of the wings, tail and the little feathers of the body are shown by deep incision. The body of the bird is in one piece with the four-sided base, which rises to the height of the belly so that the legs are rendered in relief against this. Two suspension holes penetrate the back of the bird. It was made in a mould.
Similar little plaques, some even from the same mould, have been found at Corinth, the Heraion of Argos, lvielos and as far away as South Russia. A Corinthian origin is considered likely.
– Moschonisioti S. 2006. Cat. no. 61, in Choremi-Spetsieri Α. – Zarkadas Α. (eds), Paul and Alexandra Canellopoulos Museum. Ancient Art, Αthens, 99.