The printing revolution

In the musum collection there is a significant group of early printed books. Two of them were published the first decades of the printed press (15th century, incunabula) and several more the following centuries (16th-17th). These publications allow us to study the passage from the tradition of hand-copying to the mechanical reproduction of books. The “printing revolution” increased dramatically the access to knowledge, and enabled wider sectors of society to acquire formal education.

For the documentation of early editions, the Museum is collaborating with the Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, which holds one of the largest collections of early printed books in Greece []. Τhe study is supervised by the Head Librarian of the Gennadius Library, Mrs Irini Solomonidi.

Α. Ιncunabula
The Canellopoulos Museum hold two incunabula:

1. Aristotle [Works], 2nd volume. Venice: Aldus Manutius, 1497.
This is the second of five volumes with works of Aristotle, which were published by the Italian scholar Aldus Manutius in Venice, between 1495 and 1498. It was the first printed edition of Aristotle’s works in Greek and one of the most ambitious printing projects of the 15th century. The volume of the Canellopoulos Museum had approximately 600 pages and comprises the works Φυσικής ακροάσεως, On the Heavens, On Generation and Corruption, Meteorology,  Περί κόσμου, and selected works of Theophrastus, Galen and Philo of Alexandria.

The volume is in very good condition and preserves the original binding. The contents and the notes on the margin of pages (marginalia) provide us valuable information about the techniques of early printing, the modes of reading and studying, and also about the impact of Aristotle’s though in the Renaissance.

The book has been digitized and will be soon available to the public through the museum website.


The incunabulum of Aldus Manutius with Aristotle’s works (1497)

Original watermark on a page

2. Εtymologicum Magnum. Venice: Zacharias Calliergis, 1499.
One of the earliest lexica published in Greek, and one of the first books to be printed in a Greek printing house. It was edited by the Cretan scholar Marcos Mousouros, and published by Zacharias Calliergis in Venice in 1499.

The books is preserved in excellent condition and is one of only four copies known from Greek Libraries. It stands out for the rich decoration of the pages and the extensive use of the red colour.

See the presentation of the Gennadius Library for the early history of Greek printing

See a video on the “printing revolution”

Β. Editions of the 16th and 17th centuries.

The Museum collection had 15 editions dating to the 16th and 17th centuries. They include classical Greek texts (Homer, Herodotus, Sophocles), lexica, historical treatises and an early history of Athens.

The books are currently under conservation and study. We will update the public as the study evolves.

List of 16th and 17th c. editions

  1. Joachim Camerarius (1500-1574). Σοφοκλέους τραγωδίαι επτά = Sophoclis tragoediae septem cum commentarijs interpretationum argumenti Thebaidos fabularum Sophoclis. Haganoae: ex officina Seceriana, 1534. 2 μέρη σε 1 τόμ. ([228], 95 φύλλα). 17 έκ.
  2. Λεξικόν Βαρίνου Φαβωρίνουτο μέγα και πάνυ ωφέλιμον, εκ πολλών και διαφόρων βιβλίων, απάσης τηςελληνικής φωνής υπόμνημα = Dictionarium Varini Phavorini… magnum illud ac perutile multis variisque ex autoribus collectum, totius linguae, Graecae commentarius. Basileae: [Robert Winter], 1538. [8] σ., 1900 στ., [1] σελ. 31 εκ.
  3. L. Coelii Lactantii Firmiani Diuinarum institutionum lib. VII ; De ira Dei liber I ; De opificio Dei liber I ; Epitome in libros suos, liber acephalos ; Carmen de Phoenice ; [Carmen de] resurrectione Dominica ; [Carmen de] passione Domini. Lugduni, : Apud Ioan. Tornaesium, & Gulielmum Gazeium., 1548. 787, [45] σελ.; 13 εκ,
  4. Οι της ηρωικής ποιήσεως πρωτεύοντες ποιηταί, και άλλοι τινές = Poetae graeci principes heroici carminis. [Geneva]: Excudebat Henricus Stephanus, illustris viri Huldrichi Fuggeri typographus, 1566.  781, 489 σελ. 41 εκ.
  5. Ηροδότου του Αλικαρνασσέως ιστορία, ή ιστοριών λόγοι θ‘, επιγραφόμενοι Μούσαι = Herodoti Halicarnassei historia, sive, historiarum libri IX, qui inscribuntur Musae. [Geneva]: Excudebat Henricus Stephanus, 1570. 24, 362 [δηλ. 364], 20 σελ. 33 εκ.
  6. Processus iuris scripti et consuetudinis frequentioris per Germaniam, etiam hoc tempore in camera imperialiusitatus : breviter complectens officia omnium personarum legitime in iudicio versantium = Gerichtlicher Proceß desgeschribene[n] Rechts, Gewonheit unnd täglichen Brauchs in Germanien auch jetziger zeit am KeyserlichenCammergericht üblich. Coloniae Agrippinae: Gymnicus, 1592. [8], 268, [20] σελ., 20 εκ.
  7. Neander, Michael. De Re Poetica Graecorum; Sive: Epithetorum Graecorum Lib. 1, Phraeseon Poeticarum Lib. 1, Descriptionum Variarum Et Elegantiarum SecundumLibri Quatuor. 2. ed. Lipsiae: [M. Lantzenberger], 1592. [28], 725 σελ. 17 εκ.
  8. Tractatvs de antiqvitatibvs temporvm Dn. Aymonis Cravettae a Sauiliano, iureconsulti clarissimi, & senatoris illustrissimi Ducis Ferrariensis : quæstio item in vtranq[ue] partem super statvto Ferrariensi, de mulierum indemnitatibus. Qvibvs D. Cravettae repetitionem rvbricae de legatis primo, nouè adiecimus. Eiusdem D. Cravettæ repetitionem Rvbricæ de legatis primo in hac recognita editione adiecimus. Spirae Nemetvm : Apud Bernhardum Albinum, 1595. [8], 689, [63] σελ. ; 16 εκ.
  9. Tractatus de modo articulandi et probandi : ad praxim valde utilis, et omnibus tam Studiosis, quam Causidicis, in foro saeculari, Ecclesiasticoq[ue] versantibus summe necessarius ; cum summariis, et Indice locupletissimis. Spirae Nemetum : Albinus, 1598, [8], 661, [1], [64] σελ., 20 εκ.
  10. Άννα Κομνηνή, Alexiados libri VIII ab Anna Comnena de rebus a patre gestis scripti Nunc primum a Davide Hoeschelio … editi. Augustae Vindelicorum:  Ad insigne Pinus …, 1610. [6], 188 σελ. 21 εκ.
  11. Johann Wilhelm Neumayr von Ramsla. Bellum Cypricum, oder Beschreibung des krieges:. welchen im jahr Christi 1570, 71 und 72 der Grosstürck Selim wider die Venetianer wegen des Königreichs Cypren geführet. Leipzig in verlegung Henning Grossen des jüngern: [gedruckt durch Justum Jansonium Danum], 1621. (7), 449 σελ. 4to.
  12. Του εν αγίοις πατρός ημών Ιουστίνου φιλοσόφου και μάρτυρος ζωζόμενα [sic] = Iustini philosophi et martyris opera. Item Athenagorae Atheniensis, Theophili Antiocheni, Tatiani Assyrij, & Hermiae philosophi tractatus aliquot. Parisiis : Apud Carolum Morellum, 1636. [28], 539, [1], 56, [60], 196, [4] σελ.: εικ. (πορτρ.), 38 εκ.
  13. Paul Rycaut. The present state of the Ottoman Empire :. containing the maxims of the Turkish politie, the most material points of the Mahometan religion… their military discipline, with an exact computation of their forces both by land and sea. Illustrated with divers pieces of sculpture… In three books. 3rd ed.. London, 1670. [10], 216 σελ.: εικ. ; 30 cm.
  14. Academia Prisca Graeciae h.e. Tractatus Historicus De Graeciae Priscis Professoribus, Socraticis, Platonicis seu Academicis, Perpateticis & Stoicis, aliisque : Opusculum Singulariter Utile. [Jena] : Litteris Bauhoferianis ; Jena. 1674. [49] φύλλα, 4ο.
  15. André Georges Guillet. Athènes ancienne et nouvelle, et l’estat présent de l’empire des Turcs, contenant la vie du Sultan Mahomet IV, le ministere de Coprogli Achmet Pacha, G. Vizir, & son campement devant Candie, avec le plan de la ville d’Athènes. Paris: Estienne Michallet, 1675. [24], 456, [34] σελ. 2 σχέδια. 16 εκ.

    Pages from the book
    Poetae graeci principes heroici carminis & alii nonnulli. Geneva: Henri Estienne, 1566