A fair of arts and crafts

Workshops of ancient and traditional techniques

Canellopoulos Museum
18-19 May, at 11.00-15.00

Το celebrate the 2024 International Museum Day, the CAMU invites researchers and artists who have worked with its collections to present the arts and crafts of the past in an original and enjoyable way. Working in various parts of the museum, the artists will set up a fair, in which visitors can participate by watching them, interacting with them and by exploring selected tools and techniques under their guidance.

Workshops and artists/researchers:

A. Woodworking
For icon making – Andreas Sampatakos (senior panel paintings conservator, researcher and member of the Architectural Conservation Laboratory ACL, University of West Attica, PhD candidate at the NTUA).

B. Metalworking
For bronze – Akis Goumas (metalsmith and researcher of ancient metalworking techniques)
For gold – Karolos Vlachiotis (goldsmith, Homo Faber fellow for 2023-24)

C. Marble working
For ancient sculptures – Dorian Kataro (artist and student of the School of Marble Carving at the island of Tenos – PVSFAPT).

Free admission